Sunday, October 11, 2009

Chapter 29: Worth It?

Megan's POV

“I’m just done watching you guys pretend like there’s nothing there. Now tomorrow’s Marc’s wedding. And I’m going. Whether you guys figure this all out or not after I leave. Because Megan is my date, and I’m not wasting a perfectly good dress on a bunch of denial between you both.” She nodded to herself, turning her body towards me. I felt her press her body up against mine - hugging me - but I couldn’t even move. “You’ll thank me one day. See you tomorrow” She whispered softly in my ear, before crossing the room to Sidney.

I glanced over my shoulder as tears started to fall down my face. I caught Sidney’s eyes and he glared at me, reminding me that things weren’t quiet as easy as Harley made them seem.
I sighed, hanging my head as I turned back around to face the music. I felt Jordan’s calloused hands embraced my face; his thumbs gently wiping the tears away from my eyes. “Let’s get out of here, yah?” He bent down, whispering in my ear. I nodded dumbly, allowing him to lead me out of the bar.

Once we reached the parking lot, he pulled me against his chest; his arms rubbing up and down the sleeves of my leather jacket; frantically trying to warm me. I looked up into Jordan’s beautiful blue eyes - wondering if this was the last time they’d ever look at me without hate.
I was going to have to tell him the truth at some point, and if that was the case; I’d be damned if I wasn’t going to kiss him again. I licked my lips and that was enough for him; he brought his face down towards me, kissing me gently at first.
The kiss intensified as I wrapped my arms around his neck, causing him to answer by grabbing onto my hips; pulling me against him again.

“Jordan…” I whispered into his lips, my voice hoarse from crying. “We need to talk…”

He sighed against me, smiling as he brought his face away from me, “You’re right… let’s go babe…” He turned and headed for a cab.

“No Jordan, I can’t… I can’t leave with you…”

He stopped walking, turning back around to face me. “What are you talking about Megan, I know now… you know… it’s ok.”

I shook my head, tears falling down my face again. “It’s not ok…

“Do you want to be with me?” He asked slowly, timidly.

I nodded. “Yes. More than anything.”

He shrugged, that heart-stopping grin spreading across his face. “Then what’s there to talk about? I want to be with you Megan… more than anything…”

“Jordan. I slept with Marc.”

“Who?” His face crinkled as he tried to figure out why it mattered. “Why does that matter?”

“Marc… your brother Marc…” I replied softly, too afraid to look at him as I pulled my arms around myself.

“No.” He said it so positively, for a second I almost believed him. “No… that’s not… no… why are you saying that?”

“Because it’s true…”

“No.” I finally looked up at him; he was pacing away from me, shaking his head slightly. He turned back around, walking up to me quickly. “That’s not true, you don’t even know him.”

“I do… I mean, I did.” I shook my head, trying to figure out how to explain this to him. “That weekend in New York, when I went to visit my brother… he was at the bar.” When he didn’t say anything, I continued. “I thought it was you at first… then… it just didn’t matter.”
He let out a grunt of frustration, turning around to pace again as he ran his fingers through his hair. “I didn’t think you would ever want me… I just wanted, I wanted to pretend that I knew what it was like… to have you…”

“No…” This time it was soft. He was begging for me to change the truth; his eye glistening with tears as he stared down at me. “No… you… Meagan, I love you…” He was crying now, not sobbing, not uncontrollably; but the tears were there - rolling down his pale cheeks, dropping off his perfect jaw.

“Jordan…” I moaned, taking a step towards him; wanting to end his pain, stop his hurt.

“No.” He spat, holding out a hand in front of him. “Don’t touch me… I need… I just need to go…” I nodded as my own tears began to blind me; hardly able to distinguish his shape as he moved away from me, out into the darkness.

I stood there for a long time, not sure what to do. I couldn’t go back inside; I didn’t want to see any of them, not even Harley. I couldn’t even take a taxi home - having left my wallet at home.
I finally decided to call Corey, all my other options gone.

“Jesus Megan! What the hell happened to you?” I groaned as I flopped down into the front seat of Corey’s SUV.

“Don’t - just drive… please.” I added as an after thought, trying to stop myself from crying; at least long enough to get home, and alone.

He didn’t pressure me for information on the way back to the house; but I wasn’t able to keep my emotions in check. I cried silently, my forehead pressed against the window and I stared out into the night - wondering where Jordan was now, wondering how much he hated me.
And what had I even been thinking? Not that it mattered, what was done was done, and there was no gong back now. The worse part was knowing what I would have change; everything. In my defence, I never would have slept with Marc if I knew I actually had a chance with Jordan; hell, I wouldn’t have slept with anyone if I knew I had a chance with Jordan.

I pulled the covers up over my head as the sun streamed in through the window. “Go away!” I moaned, cursing the day and everything that went with it.
I was exhausted; a clear side effect of staying up all night and cry, god I’m such a little bitch now… who cries all night over a boy?
A boy or my own stupidity; god I suck at life.

“Megan!” I heard Harley’s voice from the doorway, causing me to moan again in frustration. “I know you’re awake… come on Megan, what happened?”

“My harlot ways have finally caught up with me. I told Jordan what happened in New York and as originally assumed, he hates me.” I heard her sigh softly as she sat down beside me on the bed.

“Are you sure?”


She grabbed the covers and pulled them away from my face, “Megan, look at me….” I turned around and gazed up into her eyes, rolling mine slightly at the lecture I knew was coming. “Get dressed.”

I sat up, startled by her comment. “What? Dressed for what?”

“The wedding, Megan… You’re my date and I just happened to have been invited so… dressed. Now.” She got up, moving around my room; grabbing my dress-bag out of the closet and riffling through my dresser for some jewellery. “Megan!” She exclaimed, turning around to stare at me; her hands on her hips as she pursed her lips.

“Fine… getting up…” I pushed myself off the bed, and headed into the bathroom. I hopped underneath the burning spray of the water; hoping that Harley would give up and go home if I took too long.

“Are you drowning in there?” Harley pushed the door open, causing me to sigh in frustration.

“Just finishing…” I pushed the shower off, grabbing a towel from the top of the shower wall; wrapping it around me before I stepped out of the steam. “You know this is a bad idea, right?” I asked as I started to towel dry my hair.

“Just get dressed, we’ll deal with that when we get there.”

“I can’t believe you’re in love.” Harley grinned as she took my arm in hers, leading me to a table at the back of the wedding dance. I shook my head and turned my face to the dance floor; watching everyone laughing and having a good time.

I sighed and turned my attention back to Harley. “It doesn’t matter, it’s done with… let’s move on.” She rolled her eyes and grinned over my shoulder. I turned back around to see Sidney making his way across the mingle of tables towards us; Jordan in tow. I groaned loudly, blinking back tears. “Harley, what did you do?”

She didn’t answer, standing up to accept the hand Sidney was holding out to her. Before I could say anything else, she dashed off; grinning at me over her shoulder.
I exhaled loudly as I felt his presence lingering behind me. “You wanna dance?”

I felt my brow crinkle as I turned around slowly to face him. “Why?” He shrugged, and I timidly reached for his hand.

My knee-jerk reaction was that this was a mistake. He tugged me along behind him, not looking back or saying anything as we made our way onto the floor.
We didn’t go out by anyone else; not around the speakers or the group of friends that were dancing around the bride and groom. He lead me to the far corner; spinning around and pulling me against him with force.
I stared up into his eyes as his arms started to wrap around my waist. I put my arms around his neck and leaned into him; looking away from his face - the intensity of his glare sending shivers down my spine.
He held me close against him as our bodies swayed in time to the music; going unnoticed by anyone else, in our own little corner of the dance floor.

“Megan…” He said finally, his breath hot against the side of my face as he bent down toward me. “I need to ask you one thing… about Marc.”

I sighed, feeling my face flush with embarrassment and shame as I looked up to meet his eyes. I can only imagine what this is gonna be… He licked his lips, his eyes brimming with emotion as we came to a complete halt; standing motionless, but still embracing. “Was he worth it?”

I felt my heart jump up into my throat as my mouth fell open. It felt dumb and futile to even bother answering this question; it wasn’t going to change anything. “No… not even close.” I finally answered, truthfully; sighing softly as the power of the words echoed through me - nothing will ever be worth loosing this… I thought as I gazed up into Jordan’s perfect face.


  1. sigh... I hope Jordan takes her back... I need Jordan to take her back! :(

  2. Aaahhhhhh!!!!!

    I need to know what Jordan's thinking!!

    Poor Megan. Her misery makes for good reading, though! :)

  3. jordan NEEDS to take her back!

    just letting you lovely ladies that write this know that this is my favorite story!

    keep up the good work :)

  4. I have Jordan's POV written :-) Only Zigh knows what happens lol.

    Tuesday is when it'l be posted :-P

  5. Great update!!!! Can't wait to see what happens with them next!!!!
